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Five-Year Evaluation Plan (2020-2025)

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Evaluation provides Canadians, Parliamentarians, Ministers, central agencies and Deputy Heads with evidence-based, neutral assessment of the value for money (i.e., relevance and performance) of federal programs. Evaluations also:

The Policy on Results requires the evaluation of all ongoing programs of grants and contributions that have five-year average actual expenditures of $5 million or greater annually.

The plan was developed taking into account:

This is a rolling plan that will be updated annually.

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Fiscal year Planned Evaluations Targeted Audience & Requirement Description
2020–21 Longitudinal Study of WD Clients from 2009–10 to 2019–20
  • WD
The purpose of this study is to gather and analyze longer-term economic performance data of WD assisted recipients (both for-profit and non-profits) before and after program funding. Findings from the study will add value to WD’s wider performance story.

Other expected outcomes of the longitudinal study include:
  • Qualitative and quantitative data to assist WD to refine program parameters and help business officers in the assessment of projects.
  • Guidance to help the department in developing indicators for measures of success under the Western Canada Growth Strategy.
  • Examine patterns of default among sample clients to assist WD to reduce default rate and minimize the risk exposure on repayable contributions.
  • Best practices and lessons learned to guide future longitudinal studies.
2020–21 Impact Evaluation of the International Policy Program (IPP)
  • University of Calgary – School of Public Policy
  • TB submission commitment
  • The evaluation will assist the client to position the program for future outcomes in developing partnerships and conducting research to affect change in policy, both domestically and internationally.
  • A mid-term evaluation was undertaken in 2016 to assess the progress and performance of the IPP. The evaluation assessed that the IPP was on track to meet its targets.
  • The final impact evaluation will assess the achievement of outcomes of the IPP.
2021–22 Mid-term review of WD’s investments in Cluster Growth
  • WD
  • This formative review will assess the extent to which outcomes in cluster growth will be achieved through departmental program delivery.
  • The review will enable the department to gather lessons learned and best practices in advancing cluster growth in western Canada.
  • The review will inform the selection of projects for cluster growth for the department.
2021–22 Impact Evaluation of “Restoring Rail Service to Churchill, Manitoba initiative”
  • Community of Churchill
  • WD
  • TB submission commitment
  • The evaluation will examine the impact of the project on Churchill, assess the efficiency of the initiative, and provide lessons learned from the program.
  • Learnings from this unique project can be used to inform future community programs.
2022–23 Mid-term Review of the Western Canada Growth Strategy
  • WD
  • The review will enable the department to gather lessons learned and best practices in collaborating with partners in implementing the Western Canada Growth Strategy.
  • The review will inform Western Canada Growth Strategy implementation options as necessary.
2022–23 Final Review of the Praxis Spinal Cord Institute (formerly Rick Hansen Initiative)
  • Praxis Spinal Cord Institute
  • TB submission commitment
  • A mid-term review of the initiative is being carried out by the Praxis Spinal Cord Institute.
  • The Praxis Spinal Cord Institute with WD participating in an advisory position will undertake this final review.
  • The final review will assist the Praxis Spinal Cord Institute to report on long-term impacts and potential program improvements.
Evaluation of Regional Economic Growth Through Innovation (REGI) Programming Streams
2023–24 Program Evaluation of Business Scale-Up and Productivity (BSP)
  • WD
  • Policy on Results
  • Growth Through Regional Innovation Program (GRIP) TB submission commitment
  • The evaluation will report on the impact of WD interventions in western Canada and inform on the effectiveness that REGI has had in streamlining federal innovation programming.
  • The evaluation will report on WD investments in targeting innovative and globally-oriented businesses seeking to accelerate their growth.
2023–24 Program Evaluation of Regional Innovation Ecosystem (RIE)
  • The evaluation will report on the impact of WD interventions in western Canada and address the effectiveness that REGI has had in streamlining federal innovation programming.
  • Further, the evaluation will assess WD support towards non-profit organizations that provide support to businesses at varying stages of development. It will focus on areas where western Canada has the potential to have a leadership position and opportunities for growth.
2023–24 Program Evaluation of the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy (WES)
  • The evaluation will assess the relevance and performance of the WES, and focus on design & delivery for program improvements.
  • The evaluation will also address the achievement of results through the WES as outlined under the GRIP.
Impact studies to support achievement of long-term results
2022–23 Impact Study – Cluster Growth
  • WD
  • This impact study will assess WD’s achievement of expected results to improve western clusters scale-up and capture of global markets
  • This will assist WD to tell a better performance story on its priorities.
2023–24 Impact Study – Inclusiveness
  • WD
  • This impact study will assess WD’s achievement of expected result to increase economic participation of Indigenous peoples, women and youth.
  • This will assist WD to tell a better performance story on its priorities.
Other Evaluation Commitment
2024–25 Evaluation of Community Futures Program
  • Community Futures Organizations
  • WD
  • Policy on Results
  • The evaluation will assess the relevance and performance of the program, and focus on design & delivery for program improvements.
  • The evaluation will also address the achievement of results through the CFs as outlined under the CF Program.
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