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Community Economic Growth

What is Community Economic Growth?

Community economic growth (CEG) involves economic development initiatives that support communities to advance their economies, as well as adjust to changing and challenging economic circumstances. By using knowledge and resources resident in the community, CEG identifies and capitalizes on local opportunities to stimulate economic growth and employment. This includes strengthening the infrastructure and capacity of communities to achieve their full economic potential.

What's the WD Connection?

Communities have increased economic opportunities and capacity to respond to challenges, as well as the necessary investments in public infrastructure

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) contributes to community economic development in urban centres and rural areas through initiatives that capitalize on opportunities for growth and development, and enable communities to adjust to challenges that hinder competitiveness and quality of life. A significant proportion of WD's community economic development funding stems from our role as the western delivery agent for national programs offered by the federal government such as infrastructure programs.

What funding is available?

WD helps increase the viability and diversification of local economies in Western Canada through a variety of programs and services, tailored to the region's own particular strengths, challenges and opportunities.

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