Supplementary Table 2: Greening Government Operations (GGO)
The GGO supplementary table applies to departments and agencies bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act, the Policy on Green Procurement, or the Policy Framework for Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Major International Events.
Please note:
- RPP refers to Reports on Plans and Priorities and represents planned / expected results.
- DPR refers to Departmental Performance Reports and represents actual results.
Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment Target
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR | |
Target Status | |||
Existence of implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally-generated EEE | Yes See ii. below |
Total number of departmental locations with EEE implementation plan fully implemented, expressed as a percentage of all locations, by the end of the given fiscal year (FY) | FY 2011-12 | 100% | |
FY 2012-13 | 100% | ||
FY 2013-14 | 100% |
Strategies / Comments
- For the purposes of this target, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) has defined 'location' as cities where it has offices. There are six departmental locations:
– Vancouver, British Columbia;
– Edmonton, Alberta;
– Calgary, Alberta;
– Saskatoon, Saskatchewan;
– Winnipeg, Manitoba; and
– Ottawa, Ontario.
- As of June 2009, WD achieved full implementation of acceptable EEE disposal practices using the following means:
– Computers for Schools;
– Crown Assets Distribution;
– Return to Vendor Programs;
– Provincial Recyclers; and
– Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Electronic Waste Disposal Standing Offer.
- Electronic Data Storage devices are cleared and declassified according to the Communications Security Establishment Canada Directive ITSG-06, dated July 2006.
- WD follows Information Technology (IT) Media Overwrite Guidelines as set out in the RCMP Technical Security Branch - IT Security Bulletin Lead Agency Publication B2-002, dated May 2009.
Printing Unit Reduction Target
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR | |
Target Status | |||
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units in fiscal year 2010-11, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. | 3.92:1 | ||
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. | FY 2011-12 | 4.39:1 see iv. below |
FY 2012-13 | 8:1 | ||
FY 2013-14 | 8:1 |
Strategies / Comments
- Definition of a Printing Unit - Units that are networked (including local and desktop printers), stand-alone (non-networked), as well as single-purpose and multi-function (e.g., photocopiers) are included.
- Method Used for Determining the Number of Printing Units:
- The January 2011 inventory listed 139 printers, comprising 100 networked and 39 stand-alone units; and
- The November 2011 inventory shows 117 printers, comprising 88 networked and 29 stand-alone units, representing a reduction of 22 printers.
- Method Used for Determining the Number of Employees:
- Employees include indeterminate and term employees and students.
- Payroll data list 545 employees in January 2011 and 466 employees in November 2011, representing a reduction of 79 employees.
- Target Scope - Units do not include fax machines, scanners and communication security equipment, or the units in the offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister, as well as offices with less than eight people.
- Employees reduced by nine, for a scope total of 467; and
- Printers reduced by 13, for a scope total of 104.
- Implementation Strategies:
- Mandatory duplex printing standard set on all printers;
- Stand-alone and single-purpose printers not replaced at end-of-life; and
- Multi-function printers to replace single-purpose units.
Paper Consumption Target
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR | |
Target Status | |||
Number of sheets of internal office paper purchased or consumed per office employee in the baseline year selected, as per departmental scope (FY 2010-11 baseline) | 8,850 | ||
Cumulative reduction (or increase) in paper consumption, expressed as a percentage, relative to baseline year selected. (Optional in RPP 2011–12) | FY 2011-12 | 7% | |
FY 2012-13 | 15% | ||
FY 2013-14 | 20% |
Strategies / Comments
- Target Scope - All employees and all paper purchased are included.
- Method Used for Determining Paper Consumption - The PWGSC Paper Standing Offer (PSO) purchasing data and financial system data calculate 4,823,017 sheets of paper, normalized to letter size equivalent.
- Method Used for Determining the Number of Employees:
- Employees include indeterminate and term employees and students; and
- Payroll data list 545 employees in January 2011 and 466 employees in November 2011, representing a reduction of 79 employees.
- Implementation Strategies:
- Automatic duplex printing standard on printers;
- Dual screens;
- Adopting a Green Meeting Guide;
- Encouraging reduced printing through communication.
Green Meetings Target
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR |
Target Status | ||
Presence of a green meeting guide | Yes |
Strategies / Comments
- The Green Meeting guide was completed and proved by the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy Committee in November 2011.
- The guide was introduced and implemented as an activity during the Greening Government Awareness Event in January 2012.
Green Procurement Targets
8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least 3 SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.
WD is not a commodity-heavy department and it chose the green procurement targets as outlined in targets 8.10 (i), 8.10 (ii) and 8.10 (iii) for the following reasons:
- Specific - targets are tangible and supported by business practices and systems;
- Measurable - data is readily available and easily tracked;
- Achievable - strategic implementation plans are in place;
- Relevant - each commodity or service (or both) is used in WD's day-to-day operations;
- Time - reasonable timelines have been identified and they ensure WD will achieve and maintain targets.
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR |
Target Status | ||
Percentage of copy paper purchased that contains a minimum of 30% recycled content and a forest management, EcoLogoM or equivalent certification (FY 2009-10 baseline) | 88% | |
Progress against measure in FY 2010-11 | 80.23% | |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year | 100% See iii. below |
Strategies / Comments
- The FY 2009-10 percentage represents data from one paper supplier on the PWGSC PSO.
- Paper consumption data from FY 2010-11 includes information from PWGSC PSO suppliers.
- Implementation Strategy: The paper ordering process will be investigated and corrected.
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR |
Target Status | ||
Percentage of IT hardware purchased from PWGSC Consolidated Procurement Instruments (CPIs) (FY 2009-10 baseline) | 100% | |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. (ongoing) | 100% |
Strategies / Comments
- WD will continue to purchase its IT hardware from CPIs, which are 'greened' through PWGSC's Commodity Management Framework.
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR |
Target Status | ||
Performance Measure | See iii. below | |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year | See iii. below |
Strategies / Comments
- WD has six departmental locations, with varying disposal methods for paper and paper products. (See target 8.6 for definition of 'location').
- In FY 2011-12, each location outlined current process and amount (weight) of waste paper and paper products.
- In FY 2012-13, recycling programs will be investigated. The best method(s) to meet WD's operations needs will be determined through an appropriate procurement strategy.
- A recycling program will be launched on April 1, 2013, with full implementation by March 31, 2014.
8.11 As of April 1, 2011, WD will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, as well as management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision making.
Training for select employees:
8.11 (i) As of April 1, 2011, Green Procurement Training became mandatory for the following employees:
- Procurement Functional Specialists;
- Material Management Functional Specialists;
- Acquisition Card Holders;
- Manager, Corporate Administration - Headquarters; and
- Centralized Procurement Unit – Senior Procurement Officers; Procurement Officers; and Procurement Assistant.
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR |
Target Status | ||
Percentage of designated employees who completed green procurement training (FY 2009-10 baseline) | 70% | |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year (ongoing) | 100% |
Strategies / Comments
- Basic Green Procurement information was provided as part of WD in-house Procurement 101 training.
- The Canada School of Public Service course Green Procurement - C215 became mandatory for the employees identified in target 8.11 (i).
- The Corporate Learning initiative became effective on April 1, 2011, and it will be completed by March 31, 2012.
- Ongoing training will be offered for new employees identified in target 8.11 (i), as required.
- The Manager, Finance and Corporate Services positions are no longer identified as designated employees due to a departmental reorganization. The Centralized Procurement Unit positions have been created and the Manager, Finance and Corporate Services positions will ultimately be eliminated.
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR |
Target Status | ||
Percentage of designated employees with green performance evaluation measures identified (FY 2009-10 baseline) | 14.3% See ii. below |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year | 100% |
Strategies / Comments
- Designated employees include:
- – Manager, Corporate Administration - Headquarters;
- – Procurement Advisor, Corporate Administration – Headquarters; and
- – Centralized Procurement Unit:
- Senior Procurement Officer;
- Procurement Officers; and
- Procurement Assistant.
- The Procurement Services Advisor has green performance evaluation measures identified.
- The Manager, Finance and Corporate Services positions are no longer identified as designated employees due to a departmental reorganization. The Centralized Procurement Unit positions have been created and the Manager, Finance and Corporate Services positions will ultimately be eliminated.
Management processes and controls:
8.11 (iii) As of April 1, 2011, the following management processes and controls were fully implemented:
- WD Procurement Strategy;
- Electronic Bid Box;
- Lifecycle Management in Asset Management Framework;
- Bi-Annual Green Government awareness events and ongoing communication; and
- GX Financial System Green tracking.
Performance Measure | RPP | DPR |
Target Status | ||
Percentage of management processes and controls implemented (FY 2009-10 baseline) | 80% | |
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year (ongoing) | 100% |
Strategies / Comments
- Green procurement commitments were stated in the WD Procurement Strategy. The use of PWGSC Green CPIs is mandatory.
- The use of Electronic Bid Box is fully integrated in all offices, resulting in decreased paper usage and increased electronic filing.
- Lifecycle Management will reduce the number of printer units and paper consumption, to achieve targets 8.7 and 8.8.
- Various events, tips and hints will reduce footprint, including ongoing advice to procurement staff and communication bulletins.
- Project tracking in financial system was improved, with full identification of Green purchases.
- Date modified: