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Greening Government Operations

Greening Government Operations Targets including:

8.6 Surplus Electric and Electrical Equipment Target

8.7 Printing Unit Reduction Target

8.8 Paper Consumption Target

8.9 Green Meetings Target

8.10 Green Procurement Targets

8.11 SMART Targets

Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment Target

8.6 By March 31, 2014, each department will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Existence of an implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally generated EEE. Yes
See (ii) below
Total number of departmental locations with an EEE implementation plan fully implemented, expressed as a percentage of all locations, by the end of the given fiscal year. FY 2011–12 100% 100%
FY 2012–13 100%  100%
FY 2013-14 100%  TBD

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. For the purposes of this target, WD has defined "location" as cities where the department has offices.  There are six locations in WD:
    • Vancouver, British Columbia;
    • Edmonton, Alberta;
    • Calgary, Alberta;
    • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan;
    • Winnipeg, Manitoba; and
    • Ottawa. Ontario.
  2. As of June 2009, WD achieved full implementation of acceptable EEE disposal practices
  3. Electronic Data Storage devices are cleared and declassified according to the Communications Security Establishment Canada Directive ITSG-06, dated July 2006.
  4. WD follows IT Media Overwrite guidelines as set out in RCMP Technical Security Branch – IT Security Bulletin Lead Agency Publication B2-002, dated May 2009.

Printing Unit Reduction Target

8.7 By March 31, 2013, each department will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units. Departments will apply the target where building occupancy levels, security considerations, and space configuration allow.

Performance Measure RPP DPR

Target Status

Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units in FY year 201011, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. 3.92:1
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. FY 2011–12 5.25:1 4.76:1
FY 2012-13 6.5:1  5.96:1
FY 2013-14 8:1   TBD

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Definition of Printing Unit: Networked (including local/desktop printers), stand-alone (non-networked), single purpose and multi-functional units (e.g., photocopiers) are included.
  2. Target Scope: Does not include fax machines, scanners, communications security equipment and office with less than eight people, which represents less than 1% of office employees.
  3. Method Used for Determining the Number of Printing Units:  an inventory completed by the IT group.
  4. Method Used for Determining the Number of employees:  Current payroll numbers.
  5. Implementation Strategies:
    • stand-alone and single-purpose printers are not replaced at end-of-life; and
    • multi-function printers are replacing single-purpose units.

Paper Consumption Target

8.8 By March 31, 2014, each department will reduce internal paper purchase per office employee by 20%. Each department will establish a baseline between 2005–06 and 2011–12, and an applicable scope.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Number of sheets of internal office paper purchased per office employee in the FY 2010-2011 baseline year, according to the departmental scope. 8,850
Cumulative reduction (or increase) in paper purchase, expressed as a percentage, relative to the FY 2010-2011 baseline year. FY 2011-12 7% 17.6%
FY 2012-13 15%  33.35%
FY 2013-14 20%   TBD

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Target Scope:  WD used FY 2010-2011 as the baseline year to determine scope.  4,823,017 sheets of paper purchased for 545 employees.
  2. Method Used to Determine Paper Purchase:  Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Paper Standing Offer Paper Standing Offer (PSO) purchasing data and GX Financial system data.
  3. Method used to Determine Number of Employees:  current payroll numbers.
  4. Implementation Strategy:  duplex copying set as standard on all printers; double monitors, multi-page printing, staff awareness.
  5. Results: FY 2012–13 purchase reduced to 2,111,500 sheets by 358 employees. Equivalent to 5,898 sheets per person; resulting in a 33.35% reduction.

Green Meetings Target

8.9 By March 31, 2012, each department will adopt a guide for greening meetings.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Presence of a green meetings guide. Yes Yes

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Green Meeting Guide implemented January 2012

Green Procurement Targets

8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least three SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.

8.10 (i) Effective April 1, 2012, 100% of copy paper purchased will contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and forest management certification or EcoLogoM or equivalent certification.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of copy paper purchased that contains a minimum of 30% recycled content and forest management certification or EcoLogoM; FY 2009-2010 baseline year. 88%
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year.  See (iii) below. 100% 97.02%

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Baseline data FY 2009-10 represents data from one paper supplier on the PWGSC PSO.  Exclusive use of PSO suppliers increased accuracy of data for FY 2010-2011.
  2. Paper purchase data from FY 2010-11 includes information from all PSO suppliers; see target 8.8.
  3. Implementation Strategies:  mandatory used of recycled content paper, awareness, announcements; encouragement to explore beyond 30% recycled content.
  4. Of the 97.02% recycled paper purchased, 20.27% was paper with 50% and higher recycled content.


8.10 (ii)  As of April 1, 2011, WD will purchase 100% of IT hardware from PWGSC Consolidated Procurement Instruments.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of IT hardware purchased from PWGSC Consolidated Procurement Instruments; FY 2009-2010 baseline. 100%
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. WD will continue to purchase IT hardware from consolidated procurement instruments (CPIs), which are greened through PWGSC's Commodity Management Framework



8.10 (iii) By March 31, 2013, WD will procure recycling services to ensure that all paper and paper products are disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner. Full department implementation of recycling services will be completed by March 31, 2014.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
In FY 2011-2012, each location will outline current process and amount (weight) of waste paper and paper products. 0%
Progress against performance measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 0%

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. WD has six locations with varying disposal methods for paper and paper products; see target 8.6 for a definition of "location".
  2. In FY 2012-13, recycling programs were to be investigated.  Due to centralization of the procurement functions in headquarters and changing priorities, the project was delayed.
  3. This project is on hold until full procurement centralization is achieved. Expected by March 31, 2014.



8.11 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision making.


8.11 (i)  As of April 1, 2011, GREEN PROCUREMENT Training will be mandatory for the following employees:

  1. Procurement Functional Specialists;
  2. Material Management Functional Specialist;
  3. Acquisition Card Holders
  4. Manager, Corporate Administration – HQ; and
  5. Regional Managers, Finance & Corporate Services.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of designated employees trained with green procurement training; FY 2009-2010 baseline. 30%
FY 2010-11 70% 30%
FY 2011-12 100% 50%
FY 2012-13 100% 54.35%

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Basic Green Procurement information provided as part of WD's in-house Procurement 101 training.
  2. The Canada School of Public Services Green Procurement-C215 is mandatory for Procurement and Material management staff and Acquisition Card holders.
  3. Ongoing training is needed for new Procurement/Material Management staff and Acquisition Card holders.


8.11 (ii)  As of April 1, 2012, all designated employees will have green performance evaluations measures indentified.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of designated employees with green performance evaluations measures identified;
FY 2009-2010 baseline
FY 2010-11 100% 80%
FY 2011-12 100% 100%
FY 2012-13 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Designated employees:
    1. Manager, Corporate Administration – HQ;
    2. Procurement Services Advisor, Corporate Services – HQ;
    3. Manager, Finance & Corporate Services;
      1. BC Region;
      2. AB Region;
      3. SK Region;
      4. MB Region; and
      5. Ottawa Office.



8.11 (iii)  Effective April 2, 2011, the following management processes and controls will be fully implemented:

  1. WD Procurement Strategy;
  2. Electronic Bid Box;
  3. Lifecycle Management in Assets Management Framework;
  4. Bi-Annual Green Government awareness events and ongoing communications; and
  5. GX Financial System GREEN tracking.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of identified management processes and control implemented; FY 2009-2010 baseline. 80%
FY 2010-11 100% 100%
FY 2011-12 100% 100%
FY 2012-13 100% 100%

Strategies and/or Comments

  1. Green procurement commitments stated in WD Procurement Strategy; mandatory use of PWGSC GREEN CPIs.
  2. Use of Electronic Bid Box has been implemented in all offices; increased electronic filing has reduced paper usage.
  3. Lifecycle Management will assist to achieve targets 8.7 and 8.8.
  4. Various events, tips and hints to reduce carbon footprint, including ongoing advice to procurement staff, and communication bulletins.
  5. Improved project tracking in financial system, with 100% of offices identifying GREEN purchases.


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