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User Fees/External Fees

User Fees and Regulatory Charges


User Fee: Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)

Fee Type: Other products and services (O)

Fee-setting Authority: Access to Information Act

Date Last Modified: 1992

Performance Standards: Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the ATIA.  A Notice of Extension is sent to the requestor within 30 days of receipt of the request if more than 30 days is required to process a request.

Performance Results: The Department responded within 30 days or less in 67 per cent of completed requests; this includes abandoned requests.  An additional 17 per cent of the remaining requests were completed within 31 to 60 days, 11 per cent completed within 60 to 120 days, and 5 per cent completed in more than 365 days.




($ dollars)

Planning Years

($ dollars)

Forecast Revenue Actual Revenue Full Cost Fiscal Year Forecast Revenue Estimated Full Cost
$500.00 $104.00 $600.00 2013-14 $250.00 $500.00
2014-15 $250.00 $500.00
2015-16 $250.00 $500.00


Other information:  Under the Access to Information Act, fees under $25 may be waived.  Fees waived during 2012–13 represented $496 in reproduction fees.


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