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November 8, 2018 - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan - Session 1

Date: November 8, 2018
Location: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan

Total participants

1. Glen Strong, Points Athabasca 2. Geoff Gay, Athabasca Basin Development
3. Meghan Gervais, Saskatchewan Research Council 4. Randy Johns, Keewatin Career Development Corporation
  WD staff
1. Gordon Cherwoniak 2. Rhonda Laing
3. Ginette Lebel 4. Abdul Jalil

Key themes or ideas

  1. Procurement is huge and could reduce the cyclical nature of commodity cycles.
  2. Education continues to be underfunded and training needs to be targeted on job available.
  3. Defense procurement – This is a challenging area to break in to.
  4. Infrastructure needs from electricity, telecom to satellite need to be developed for basic necessity and to make projects more viable in the north.
  5. Capitalizing on local strengths.
  6. We need to seek new opportunities.

Q1) What does a stronger western Canadian economy look like 10 years from now?

Q2) What are the best ways to spur new growth in western Canada

Q3) What will help the Indigenous economy continue to grow?

Q4) How can we improve economic participation in the west of underrepresented groups, including women, youth, and new immigrants

Q5) How can governments, industry, and western Canadians work together to grow the regional economy?

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