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2.3 – Issues for Early Action

WD can provide briefings on a broad range of subjects in the coming weeks and months; however, early Ministerial engagement on the following issues could aid in their advancement.

Intergovernmental Relations


The Minister responsible for WD is mandated to “lead and coordinate the efforts of the Government of Canada to establish cooperative relationships with the provinces constituting western Canada, business, labour and other public and private organizations for the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada.”1 The diverse range of priorities across western provinces means a one-size-fits-all approach to this mandate does not work.



Manitoba Métis Federation


Economic Transition in Calgary


Due to the global low-carbon energy transition, consistently low oil prices, and local frustration with boom and bust cycles, Calgary is adjusting to structural changes to its economy by developing emerging industries. Calgary is also expanding its capacity to be an innovation hub. WD is uniquely positioned among federal departments to play a role on-the-ground in supporting this transition.



Arctic Gateway Initiative

Northern Manitoba is well-positioned to play a role in securing sovereignty in Canada’s Arctic region. There are also critical infrastructure needs for northern transportation and trade.The Arctic Gateway Group Limited Partnership (AGG) has a vision to expand the Hudson Bay Rail line and Port of Churchill to position northern Manitoba as a trade and transportation hub. Expansion will increase the flow of goods, which will create jobs and skills-training opportunities, increase trade, and lower the cost of goods and services northern communities rely on.



Southern Mountain Caribou conservation


Industrial activities, such as forestry, oil and gas exploration, mining, and recreational activities, have degraded and fragmented the habitat of southern mountain caribou in BC and Alberta. These impacts to the landscape are making it easier for predators to hunt caribou. As a result, caribou populations are shrinking. Proposed conservation measures will result in job and profit loss in industries on which communities rely.



Challenges in the BC Forestry Sector


BC’s forestry sector is facing production curtailments and mill closures across the province, impacting approximately 140 communities that rely on the sector.6 Provincial estimates note up to 5,900 workers have been affected thus far.7 Forestry workers continue to raise their concerns in the media about the economic outlook for the sector and are seeking continued support from all levels of government. WD has provided incremental funding to forestry-reliant communities in the past, on behalf of the federal government. The department is monitoring the issue’s progression in case it is asked to do so again.



Canada Coal Transition Initiative


Budget 2019 announced $150 million in funding over five years beginning in 2020 ($105 million for WD; $45 million for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) to help address infrastructure needs in communities impacted by the Government of Canada’s 2018 announcement to phase out coal-fired electricity by 2030. Treasury Board approval is needed to access these funds.



Forks North Portage Partnership

In place-based or place-making economic development, rather than creating new spaces and assets from scratch, a community’s existing assets and uniqueness can be leveraged to attract new investment and improve social wellbeing. A key organization dedicated to place-making in downtown Winnipeg is the Forks North Portage Partnership (FNPP), which acts as a catalyst, encouraging activities for people in downtown Winnipeg through partnerships and revitalization strategies. Continued support for FNPP will facilitate ongoing development of the Forks, a major tourist attraction in downtown Winnipeg; and economic development of North Portage, an area of downtown that has struggled to attract business activity.






1 The Western Economic Diversification Act

2 Confederation of Tomorrow 2019 Survey of Canadians. 2019. Environics Institute.

3 Metropolitan Outlook 1: Calgary- Spring 2019. Conference Board of Canada.

4 Ibid.

5 Avison Young Global Office Market Report: Mid-Year 2019. 2019. Avison Young.

6 Smart Future: A path forward for BC’s forest products industry. 2019. Council of Forest Industries.

7 Twice laid off due to sawmill closures, B.C. worker ready for new career. Sept. 2019. The Canadian Press.

8 US Lumber and Panel Market Report- August 16, 2019. Global Wood.

9 A Just and Fair Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities December 2018. Task Force on Just Transition.

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