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Supporting Information on the Program Inventory

Supporting information on planned expenditures, human resources, and results related to the Western Economic Diversification Canada’s program inventory is available in the GC InfoBase.v


Program 1.1: Innovation


Introducing innovative new products, technologies or improvements to existing processes enhances business growth and competitiveness in the global marketplace. Western Economic Diversification Canada’s Innovation programming makes strategic investments with western Canadian businesses, industry organizations and post-secondary institutions to enhance business innovation through research and development, and technology commercialization.

Planned results
Expected results Performance indicators Target Date to achieve target 2018-19 actual results 2017-18 actual results 2016-17 actual results
Western Canadian businesses are innovative Business sales growth resulting from commercialization ($) $470.3M March 31, 2021 $232M $94.0M $65.8M
Western Canadian businesses are innovative Number of HQP1 (including STEM2) jobs created 2,035 March 31, 2021 656 509 304

1 HQP = highly qualified personnel.

2 STEM = science, technology, engineering and math.

Planned budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
91,583,640 103,532,306 99,812,867
Planned human resources (FTEs)
2020–21 2021–22 2022–23
104 104 80


Program 1.2: Business Growth


The Business Growth Program has two domains, which support western Canadian businesses, industry and research organizations to enhance their productivity, participation in global markets, and competitiveness. The Trade, Investment and Market Access domain increases western Canada's participation in global markets, increasing awareness of western Canada's technology capabilities abroad and attracting foreign investment to the region. The Business Productivity domain supports western Canadian businesses, not-for-profit organizations and industry, in initiatives to enhance productivity, competitiveness and the growth of western Canadian businesses.

Planned results
Expected results Performance indicators Target Date to achieve target 2018-19 actual results 2017-18 actual results 2016-17 actual results
Western Canadian businesses are competitive and export their products/services Export sales growth ($) $529.5M March 31, 2021 $781.4M $615.0M $569.1M
Western Canadian businesses are competitive and export their products/services Number of jobs created (#) 2,649 March 31, 2021 2,489 1,514 1,049
Planned budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
72,771,122 62,266,103 23,960,732
Planned human resources (FTEs)
2020–21 2021–22 2022–23
64 64 64


Program 1.3: Business Services


The Business Services program consists of six Western Canada Business Service Network (WCBSN) members, which are independent organizations that receive financial support from Western Economic Diversification Canada to provide services to prospective and current entrepreneurs to help start, grow or expand small businesses across western Canada. This network offers its services to western Canadians in over 100 locations. WCBSN members include:


Planned results
Expected results Performance indicators Target Date to achieve target 2018-19 Actual results 2017-18 Actual results 2016-17 Actual results
Western Canadian businesses have access to advisory services and capital Employment growth of WD supported firms (percentage) 7.5% March 31, 2021 8.53% 7.50% 8.02%
Western Canadian businesses have access to advisory services and capital Value of loans disbursed ($) $80.0M March 31, 2021 $81.0M $75.6M $88.6M
Planned budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
43,230,275 42,162,709 42,046,768
Planned human resources (FTEs)
2020–21 2021–22 2022–23
42 42 42


Program 1.4: Community Initiatives


The Community Initiatives program provides targeted funding to support economic development activities in communities across western Canada. Programming in this area is often through dedicated, temporary supplementary funding from the Government of Canada or through the department's own special allocations in response to the specific challenges that affect western Canadian communities. It also provides community funding in western Canada to build and renew infrastructure in rural and urban municipalities across Canada, allowing them to compete in the regional, national and global economy.


Planned results
Expected results Performance indicators Target Date to achieve target 2018-19 Actual results 2017-18 Actual results 2016-17 Actual results
Western Canadian communities have necessary public infrastructure and adjustment support to promote economic growth Number of communities benefitting from infrastructure projects 2 March 31, 2021 481 6712 762
Western Canadian communities have necessary public infrastructure and adjustment support to promote economic growth Number of businesses created, maintained, or expanded 300 March 31, 2021 N/A3 1874 N/A3

1 Results from restoring the Hudson Bay rail line and reopening of the Port of Churchill. Federal Budget 2018 provided additional funding for this initiative.

2 The results achieved for 2016–17 and 2017-18 represent projects completed under the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program.

3 WD did not provide support that contributed to this indicator in 2016-17 or 2018-19.

4 The results achieved for 2017-18 reflect delivery of the Drywall Support Program.

Planned budgetary financial resources (dollars)
2020-21 Planned spending 2021-22 Planned spending 2022-23 Planned spending
54,395,257 40,703,311 9,887,966
Planned human resources (FTEs)
2020–21 2021–22 2022–23
22 22 19


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