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Supplementary Information Tables

Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

The 2016–2019 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS):

  • sets out the Government of Canada's sustainable development priorities
  • establishes goals and targets
  • identifies actions to achieve them, as required by the Federal Sustainable Development Act

In keeping with the objectives of the Act to make environmental decision-making more transparent and accountable to Parliament, Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) supports reporting on the implementation of the FSDS and its Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy, or equivalent document, through the activities described in this supplementary information table.

2. Sustainable Development in WD

WD's Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017 to 2020 describes the department's actions in support of achieving FSDS Goal 2 (low-carbon government) and Goal 3 (clean growth). This supplementary information table presents available results for the departmental actions pertinent to these goals. Last year's supplementary information table is posted on the department's website. This year, WD is also noting which UN Sustainable Development Goal target each departmental action contributes to achieving.

3. Departmental performance by FSDS goal

The following tables provide performance information on departmental actions in support of the FSDS goals listed in section 2.

FSDS goal: Clean Growth
FSDS target(s) FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Support for UN Sustainable Development Goal target* Starting point(s), target(s) and performance indicator(s) for departmental actions Results achieved**

Support the Government of Canada Mission Innovation commitment to double federal government investments in clean energy research, development and demonstration, by 2020, from 2015 levels.  Mission Innovation is a global initiative of 22 countries and the European Union to dramatically accelerate global clean energy innovation.

Invest in technologies to reduce GHG and air pollutant emissions: Support the development, demonstration, commercialization, deployment, adoption and export of technologies that reduce GHG and air pollutant emissions. This work will leverage regional strengths and help to improve productivity, competitiveness, and environmental performance in sectors such as energy, mining, building, and waste management, and the manufacturing sector, including in the aerospace and automotive industries.

WD will invest in clean technologies that provide a pathway for GHG emissions mitigation and more sustainable growth of all areas of the economy. Clean Technology (along with Indigenous Economic Growth) was the focus of the Western Diversification Program call for proposals that lead to project approvals in the spring of 2017. Clean Technology and Clean Resources were two of the six clusters supported in the Western Innovation Initiative call for proposals that closed on November 29, 2017.



Starting point: To measure the growth of Canada's clean technology sector, the Government of Canada is providing funding to Statistics Canada to define the industries in the sector, establish the 2015 baseline on the industry by 2018, and track the contribution of clean technology to GDP, as well as the number of jobs related to clean technology.
Performance indicator: WD annual spending ($) for projects that foster the development, commercialization, export and adoption of clean technologies.

  • In 2017-18, WD invested $33,331,888 in 93 projects that foster the development, commercialization, export and adoption of clean technologies.

* This new element shows how departments are contributing to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets.
** This column is new.

FSDS: low-carbon government
FSDS target(s) FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Support for UN Sustainable Development Goal target* Starting point(s), target(s) and performance indicator(s) for departmental actions Results achieved**
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from federal government buildings and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030, with an aspiration to achieve it by 2025 Improve the energy efficiency of our buildings/operations*** Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.
Modernize our fleet*** Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.
  Support the transition to a low-carbon economy through green procurement

Establish a baseline and analyze trends in green procurement for goods and services using acquisition card purchases data.

Ensure all departmental acquisition cardholders have completed the Green Procurement training.

Continuing education for departmental acquisition card holders in green procurement.


Starting point: WD is a relatively small department and its estimated GHG emissions are included in the government-wide total.

Performance indicators:
Percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in the given fiscal year (Target 100%).
Percentage of IT hardware purchases that meet the Policy on Green Procurement iii (Target 90%).
Percentage of IT hardware recycled at end of life (Target 90%).


Performance indicators:
Percentage of procurement and/or materiel management specialists who completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course (C215) or equivalent, in the given fiscal year (Target 100%).
Percentage of IT hardware purchases that meet the Policy on Green Procurement iii (Target 90%).











Percentage of IT hardware recycled at end of life (Target 90%).

  • Met: Baseline - WD has established a baseline for Green Procurement using the Acquisition card using data from 2017-2018. WD in that fiscal year purchased 37% goods, services or made transactions with companies that have Sustainability policies, Green policies, processes and procedures.
  • Met: Baseline established– 33% of all vendors utilized are with Green companies as defined above.
  • Met: Baseline established - WD will not have paper statements mailed to cardholders. On average 45% of WD Acquisition cardholders requested paper statements.







  • 100%
  • All acquisition card holders must complete the Green Procurement Course (C215), before they are issued a WD Acquisition Card.




  • WD procures 100% of its Workplace Technology Devices (Tablets, Laptops, Cell Phones, Printers) through Shared Services Canada (SSC) which holds an EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) Purchaser designation.
  • WD utilizes Microsoft Surface Pros, which EPEAT Silver or Gold star.
  • Monitors are energy efficient models. As with printers and multi-functional devices (MFDs). They all have sleep modes.





  Demonstrate innovative technologies*** Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.


Promote sustainable travel practices***

Encourage staff to reserve accommodation in establishments that have an industry recognized environmental rating.

Implement more user friendly high quality video and teleconferencing capabilities.


Percentage of accommodation stays that have a green environmental rating (Target 40%).

Number of video conference capable boardrooms available for use by employees (Target 12).

  • WD has exceeded its target with 63.5% of all accommodation stays have a green environmental rating.
  • WD has exceeded its target with 13 enhanced A/V Video and Teleconferencing boardrooms. Two additional Boardrooms will be online sometime in the 4th quarter of 2019.
  Understand climate change impacts and build resilience*** Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.
  Improve transparency and accountability**** Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.
  Develop policy for low-carbon government**** Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.

* This new element shows how departments are contributing to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets.
** This column is new.
*** This contributing action does not apply to small and micro departments. These departments should insert "Not applicable" in columns three to six.
**** This contributing action applies only to The Centre for Greening Government at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS). All other departments should insert "Not applicable" in columns three to six.

Additional departmental sustainable development activities and initiatives
Additional departmental activities and initiatives Starting points, targets and performance indicators Results achieved
Not applicable. Not applicable. Not applicable.

4. Report on integrating sustainable development

WD examines all proposals to determine whether they have the potential for significant environmental implications, and if so, conducts a Strategic Environmental Assessment and publishes a statement on the departmental website. During the 2017–18 reporting cycle, WD had no proposals that required a Strategic Environmental Assessment and no public statements were produced.

Details on Transfer Payment Programs of $5 million or more

General Information
Name of transfer payment program Western Diversification Program (WDP)
Start date December 3, 1987
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010-11
Strategic Outcome A growing and diversified western Canadian economy.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.1: Business Development and Innovation
    • Sub-Program 1.1.1: Trade, Investment and Market Access
    • Sub-Program 1.1.2: Business Productivity and Growth
    • Sub-Program 1.1.3: Innovation Capacity Building
    • Sub-Program 1.1.4: Technology Commercialization
  • Program 1.2: Community Economic Growth
    • Sub-Program1.2.2: Community Development
    • Sub-Program1.2.4: Targeted Economic Initiatives
  • Program 1.3: Policy, Advocacy and Coordination
    • Sub-Program 1.3.1: Advocacy and Coordination
    • Sub-Program 1.3.2: Economic Analysis

The WDP contributes to the achievement of the Department's mandate to promote economic development and diversification in Western Canada and advance the West's interests in national policy, program and project development and implementation. Contributions to not-for-profit organizations are non-repayable and contributions to western Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) under the Western Innovation Initiative are repayable.

Results achieved

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) has developed a Performance Measurement Strategy that includes performance indicators, expected results, data sources to capture results achieved under the Department's Program Alignment Architecture (PAA).

Key results include:

  • 1,924 jobs created;
  • $94 million in sales tied to the knowledge-based product, process, service or technology commercialized;
  • $939 million in international business activity facilitated by the Department; and
  • WD initiated and concluded the delivery of $7.4 million Drywall Support Program that assisted 187 western Canadian drywall contractors and builders, and 451 residents of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo whose homes were severely damaged or destroyed in the May 2016 wildfires

For complete set of results achieved, refer to the relevant programs and sub-programs tables with performance indicators in the main document and supplementary information on lower-level programs.

Comments on variances

Actual spending is higher than planned spending by $17.9 million as a result of additional funding received for the Drywall Support Program and reprofile of the 2016/17 Canada 150 Program funds to 2017/2018

Audits completed or planned

WD's internal audit function has been transferred to the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG). All audits of the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), including WD, will be conducted by OCG in accordance with their RDA Risk-Based Audit Plan (RBAP). The previous WDP audit was completed in September 2009.

Evaluations completed or planned

WD completed an evaluation of Innovation Programming (Business Development and Innovation Program) in 2017–18. An evaluation of defence procurement activities is currently underway and expected to be completed in 2018–19.

Engagement of applicants and recipients

The WDP and Western Innovation Initiative streams were delivered through continuous intake or call for proposals process. Potential applicants and stakeholders were engaged through active outreach, media strategies and information provided on Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) public website.

Program: Policy, Advocacy & Coordination (WDP)
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual 2016–17 Actual 2017–18 Planned 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants  $-  $-  $-  $-  $-  $-
Total contributions  2,040,418  -  1,500,000  1,500,000  1,412,144  (87,856)
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Policy, Advocacy & Coordination  2,040,418  -  1,500,000  1,500,000  1,412,144  (87,856)
Program: Community Economic Growth (WDP)
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual spending 2016–17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants  -  -  -  8,935,409  7,391,214  7,391,214
Total contributions  1,490,472  6,064,249  1,730,577  4,430,577  4,205,391  2,474,814
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Community Economic Growth   1,490,472  6,064,249  1,730,577  13,365,986  11,596,605  9,866,028
Program: Business Development and Innovation (WDP)
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual spending 2016–17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants  -  -  5,000,000  -  -  (5,000,000)
Total contributions  79,208,544  78,919,545  75,036,101  87,910,223  88,181,210  13,145,109
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Business Development & Innovation  79,208,544  78,919,545  80,036,101  87,910,223  88,181,210  8,145,109
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual spending 2016–17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants  -  -  5,000,000  8,935,409  7,391,214  2,391,214
Total contributions  82,739,434  84,983,794  78,266,678  93,840,800  93,798,745  15,532,067
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Western Diversification Program  82,739,434  84,983,794  83,266,678  102,776,209  101,189,959  17,923,281
General Information
Name of transfer payment program Community Futures (CF) Program
Start date May 18, 1995 (The Program started in 1986 and was previously delivered by Human Resources Development Canada).
End date Ongoing
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2010-11
Strategic Outcome A growing and diversified western Canadian economy.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.2: Community Economic Growth
    • Sub-Program 1.2.3: Community Futures Program
Description This program was designed to provide funding for a network of Community Futures (CFs) across Canada with WD as the delivery department for the West. CF are volunteer-led, non-profit organizations that lead strategic economic planning, and provide advice and commercial loans to local entrepreneurs, which foster economic development.
Results achieved


Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) has developed a Performance Measurement Strategy that includes performance indicators, expected results, data sources to capture results achieved under the Department's Program Alignment Architecture. Key results include:
  • Based on the latest available data from Statistics Canada, western Canadian firms that accessed lending services through the WD-funded Community Futures (CF) program increased their sales by 8.9 percent and their employment growth by 7.5 percent annually, compared to non-CF clients whose sales increased by 4.4 percent and employment by 2.6 percent annually from 2010 to 2015; and
  • CFs provided 1,379 loans to rural businesses with a value of $70.1 million that leveraged an additional $56.6 million.
For complete set of results achieved, refer to the relevant program and sub-program tables with performance indicators in the main document and supplementary information on lower-level programs.
Comments on variances


Not applicable
Audits completed or planned


WD's internal audit function has been transferred to the OCG. All audits of the RDAs, including WD, will be conducted by OCG in accordance with their RDA RBAP.
Evaluations completed or planned


A horizontal evaluation of the CF Program is planned to be conducted in 2018–19.
Engagement of applicants and recipients


Eligible applicants for the CF Program are the CF Organizations. WD has a long standing strategy of engaging with these organizations to build awareness of WD's programs among prospective proponents.
Program: Community Economic Growth (CF)
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual spending 2016–17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total contributions  29,790,691  28,228,125  28,156,322  26,365,978  26,365,978  (1,790,344)
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Community Economic Growth  29,790,691  28,228,125  28,156,322  26,365,978  26,365,978  (1,790,344)
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual spending 2016–17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total contributions  29,790,691  28,228,125  28,156,322  26,365,978  26,365,978  (1,790,344)
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Community Futures program  29,790,691  28,228,125  28,156,322  26,365,978  26,365,978  (1,790,344)
General Information
Name of transfer payment program Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (Voted)
Start date April 1, 2016
End date March 31, 2018
Type of transfer payment Contribution
Type of appropriation Annually through Estimates
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2016-17
Strategic Outcome A growing and diversified western Canadian economy.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture
  • Program 1.2: Community Economic Growth
    • Sub-Program 1.2.1: Infrastructure Programming
Description The Canada 150 Infrastructure Program is part of the Canada 150 Initiative, the Government of Canada's celebration of Canada's 150th anniversary. Through investments in community infrastructure, the Government of Canada is investing $300 million over two years in projects that celebrate our shared heritage, create jobs, and improve the quality of life for Canadians. Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD), on behalf of the Government of Canada, is delivering the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program in Western Canada. The investments support projects that renovate, expand and improve existing community infrastructure, with a focus on recreational facilities, projects that advance a clean growth economy, and projects with a positive impact on Indigenous communities.
Results achieved Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) has developed a Performance Measurement Strategy that includes performance indicators, expected results, data sources to capture results achieved under the Department's Program Alignment Architecture. Key results include:
  • WD completed 671 Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program projects in over 395 communities across western Canada, contributing to the health and well-being of communities by enhancing local community infrastructure.
Comments on variances Actual spending is higher than planned spending by $9 million due to the reprofile of the 2016/17 funds to 2017/2018
Audits completed or planned WD's internal audit function has been transferred to the OCG. All audits of the RDAs, including WD, will be conducted by OCG in accordance with their RDA RBAP.
Evaluations completed or planned Not applicable
Engagement of applicants and recipients The Canada 150 Community Infrastructure program was delivered through a call for proposals process. Potential applicants and stakeholders are engaged through active outreach, media strategies and information provided on Western Economic Diversification Canada's (WD) public website. Engagement of recipients included ongoing project monitoring and payment of claims.
Program: Community Economic Growth (C150)
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual spending 2016–17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants $- $- $- $- $- $-
Total contributions  -  35,426,022  46,200,000  56,973,978  55,153,616  8,953,616
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Community Economic Growth   -  35,426,022  46,200,000  56,973,978  55,153,616  8,953,616
Performance information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2015–16 Actual spending 2016–17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
Total grants  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total contributions  -  35,426,022  46,200,000  56,973,978  55,153,616  8,953,616
Total other types of transfer payments  -  -  -  -  -  -
Total Canada 150 Community Infrastructure program  -  35,426,022  46,200,000  56,973,978  55,153,616  8,953,616


Evaluations completed, or planned to be completed, in 2017–18
Title of the evaluation Link to the department's Program Alignment Architecture Status on March 31, 2018 Deputy head approval date
Evaluation of Innovation Programming Business Development and Innovation Completed October 20, 2017
Evaluation of Defence Procurement Policy, Advocacy and Coordination On-going TBD

Internal Audits

A Service Level Agreement has been established between the Internal Audit Sector of the Office of the Comptroller General of Canada (OCG) and the federal Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), including WD. This agreement became effective April 1, 2012, and details the provision of internal audit services by the OCG to the RDAs. A three-year Risk-Based Audit Plan was approved in November 2014, outlining planned audit engagements until 2016-17.

During 2017-18, none of the audits that were conducted by OCG included WD.

Internal audit engagements completed in 2017–18
Title of internal audit Completion date
Horizontal Internal Audit of Business Continuity Planning (BCP) in Large and Small Departments
(Pending publication by Office of the Comptroller General)
December 2017

Response to Parliamentary Committees and External Audits

Response to Parliamentary Committees

There were no parliamentary committee reports requiring a response in 2017–18.

Response to audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (including audits conducted by the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development)

There were no audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada requiring a response in 2017–18.

Response to audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages

There were no audits conducted by the Public Service Commission of Canada or the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages requiring a response in 2017–18.


Up-front Multi-year Funding

General Information
Name of recipient Primrose Lake Economic Development Corporation (PLEDCO)
URL to recipient's website:
Start date March 30, 2007
End date March 30, 2027
Strategic Outcome A growing and diversified western Canadian economy.
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture Program 1.2: Community Economic Growth
Sub-Program 1.2.2: Community Development
Description Create a community controlled trust fund for economic development
Comments on variances Not applicable
Significant audit findings by the recipient during the reporting year, and future plan No audits performed to date. Date for an audit in the future has not yet been identified.
Significant evaluation findings by the recipient during the reporting year, and future plan An evaluation was completed in 2017-18 with no significant findings. The next evaluation is in five years.
Summary of results achieved by the recipient

During fiscal 2017-18, the Board reviewed and updated their Strategic Plan to 2020. PLEDCO continued to form strategic partnerships with other groups and invested in regional projects in tourism, fishing, forestry, and oil and gas, which may impact future years.

Since 2014, PLEDCO has provided a loan fund to assist with the start-up/development costs for primary producers in the PLEDCO communities of Beauval, Ile-a-la-Crosse, Cole Bay, and Jans Bay. Primary producers are residents of communities who are involved in the commercial fishing, wild rice production or trapping industry.

PLEDCO continues to distribute funds based on new applications from the communities. Financial Statements are pending for 2017-18.

Total funding: $15,000,000

Performance information (dollars)
2015–16 Actual spending 2016-17 Actual spending 2017–18 Planned spending 2017–18 Total authorities available for use 2017–18 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2017–18 actual minus 2017–18 planned)
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0


Owing to legislative changes, the 2017 to 2018 fees results will be published in a separate report. The Fees Report is currently under development, and the link to the Fees Report, once tabled in Parliament, will appear on this web page by March 31, 2019.

Performance Measurement Framework Methodologies

Program Level

1.0 Business Development & Innovation
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Western Canadian SMEs are engaged in international  business $ value and type of international business activity facilitated by WD "Type" is defined as:
  1. International sales;
  2. Foreign investment;
  3. International research agreements; or
  4. Economic impact of international visitors.
WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Western Canadian SMEs are competitive # of SMEs that increase gross margins The number of companies that increase their gross margin following participation in a project. "Gross margin" is defined as gross income (sales less production costs) divided by sales, expressed as a percentage. Gross margin is a measure of how efficiently a company uses its resources. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Western Canadian SMEs are innovative # of instances and type of protection of intellectual property exercised "Type" is defined as:
  1. patents;
  2. industrial design;
  3. integrated circuit topography;
  4. copyrights; and
  5. trademarks.
These categories are based upon the Intellectual Property categories covered by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.
WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum

Sub-Program Level

1.1 Trade, Investment & Market Access
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Capacity of western clients to pursue international business opportunities or  attract international visitors # of western SMEs and other organizations pursuing a trade, investment, international R&D or tourism opportunity, as a result of global advisory and market access services This indicator is focused on capacity building with clients who typically have very little international business experience. "Opportunity" refers to a prospect where there is some possibility of a future sale, investment or partnership; an "opportunity" is at an earlier stage in the international business engagement process than a "business lead." WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Capacity to support the flow of goods and services in and out of Western Canada $ value and type  of improvements to trade infrastructure "Type" is defined as:
  1. Port;
  2. Transportation hub;
  3. International tourism facility.
WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result International awareness of trade,  investment, and tourism opportunities, and SME technology capabilities in Western Canada $ value and type of international business leads generated through missions, events, and marketing initiatives This indicator is focused on enhancing capacity of clients who typically already have some international business experience. "Business leads" refers to a solid prospect with a foreign company or organization with a reasonable possibility of an international sale, investment, or R&D partnership; a "business lead" is at a later stage in the international business engagement process than an "opportunity". "Type" includes:
  1. Trade;
  2. Investment;
  3. International R&D; and
  4. International tourism.
WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
1.2 Business Productivity and Growth
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Access to business development services, capital, and leveraged capital # of businesses created, maintained, or expanded through business or capital services The number of businesses created, maintained or expanded through business development or capital services. The number of loans provided is equivalent to the number of businesses created, maintained, or expanded. "Type of services" includes:
  1. business development services; and
  2. capital services.
WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Adoption of sound management and business practices, and technology # of SMEs investing in adoption of sound management or business practices, or technology Number of SMEs investing in the adoption of sound management or business practices, or technology, as a result of the project. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Access to skilled labour # of skilled workers hired as a result of training or skills certification The number of skilled workers hired in their skill area as a result of training or skills certification funded by the project. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
1.3  Innovation Capacity Building
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Initial Technology Development - Basic technological components are integrated for testing and validation in a simulated (laboratory) environment. $ value of applied R&D undertaken related to initial technology development This is an annual reporting of the monetary value of the R&D, based upon costs incurred.  If the project involves reimbursement of operating costs only, count the value of all R&D costs throughout the funding period.  If the project involves capital costs, count the value of all R&D costs undertaken in the facility following completion of the building or equipment set-up. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Intermediate Technology Development - Prototypes are ready for demonstration in an operational setting # of prototypes ready for demonstration in operational environment Prototype at planned operational level and is ready for demonstration in an operational environment. Activities include prototype field testing. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result HQP - Create a pool of highly qualified personnel to support the  commercialization of knowledge-based products, processes, and services # of HQP trained The number of skilled personnel (engineers, scientists, and people with science and specialized business skills related to technology commercialization) who receive training through the project. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
1.4  Technology Commercialization
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Advanced Technology Development - The technology in its final form is proven through successful deployment in an operational setting under real-life conditions  # of products, processes or services, proven through successful deployment in an operational setting Actual application of the technology in its final form and under real-life conditions, such as those encountered in operational tests and evaluations. Activities include using the innovation under operational conditions (Level 9). WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result SMEs have enhanced financial capacity to pursue technology development and commercialization $ value of incremental private sector investment attracted Amount of any private sector capital invested in a spin-off company (for WINN the proponent is the spin-off company) as a result of the project. Does not include private sources of project funding outlined at the time of approval.

WD's Information Management System - Gateway

Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result SMEs have enhanced sales of knowledge-based products, processes, and/or services $ value of sales tied to the knowledge-based product, process, service, or technology commercialized The dollar value of total sales (domestic and international) of the product, process, service, or technology supported through WD funding. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum

Program Level

2.0  Community Economic Growth
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Western Canadian communities have strong businesses SME sales growth ($) Growth in sales (dollar value) of assisted clients over the reporting period (e.g. dollar change in sales from 2013-2016). For the CF Program, loan client results will be compared to a control group. Statistics Canada Data Annually
Expected Result Western Canadian communities have the capacity for socio-economic development # of communities benefitting from Community Economic Growth projects "Communities benefitting" include all distinct communities receiving benefit from a community-based project under one of the following three sub-programs:  Community Development, Community Futures Program, or Targeted Economic Initiatives. Note: If a community benefits from two different projects, that community will be counted twice. WD's Information Management System - Gateway & Client Relationship Management (CRM) Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Western Canadian communities have the necessary public infrastructure to support economic growth # of communities benefitting from federal public infrastructure investments "Communities benefitting" include all distinct communities receiving benefit from a new or improved infrastructure system, network, or facility. Note: If a community benefits from two different projects, that community will be counted twice. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum

Sub-Program Level

2.1  Infrastructure Programming
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result New or improved environmental systems # and type of new or improved environmental systems "Type" refers to water, wastewater, solid waste, energy efficiency, and brown field remediation. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result New or improved transportation or telecommunications networks # and type of new or improved transportation or telecommunications networks "Type" refers to local transportation, public transit, and public internet access. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result New or improved community, cultural, recreational, tourism, or other related facilities # and type of new or improved community, cultural, recreational, tourism, or other related facilities "Type" refers to community, cultural, recreational, tourism, and other. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
2.2  Community Development
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Strong community strategic planning  # of local and regionally-based community strategic plan(s) developed and/or updated The Recipient has collaborated to develop and/or update a community strategic plan or plans which:
  • is current,
  • reflects its geographic region,
  • includes relevant communities of interest (e.g., Aboriginal peoples, youth, visible minorities, etc.), and
  • engaged the community.
WD's Information Management System - Gateway and CRM Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Effective implementation of community plans $ value and type of community-based projects "Value" represents the total costs of the community-based project, including both WD's or the FEDO's contribution as well as funding leveraged from other sources. "Type" includes:
  1. Development of knowledge and/or tools to diversify the local economy;
  2. Labour market skills development;
  3. Capacity building of community organizations;
  4. Enhanced services and infrastructure; and,
  5. Promotion of entrepreneurship/ business development (includes business skills development).
WD's Information Management System - Gateway and CRM Semi-annually, minimum
2.3  Community Futures Program
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Strong rural community strategic planning and implementation $ value and type of community-based projects "Value" represents the total costs of the community-based project, including both CF Program funding as well as funding leveraged from other sources. The amount of funding originating from the CF Program Authority will be reported separately. "Type" includes:
  1. Development of knowledge and/or tools to diversify the local economy;
  2. Labour market skills development;
  3. Capacity building of community organizations;
  4. Enhanced services and infrastructure; and,
  5. Promotion of entrepreneurship/ business development (includes business skills development).
WD's Information Management System - CRM Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Rural access to business development services # of businesses created, maintained, or expanded through business services The number of businesses created, maintained or expanded through business development services. WD's Information Management System - CRM Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Rural access to capital and leveraged capital $ value and type of loan Dollar value of loans to new and existing business, where approved and first disbursement made by CF Organization. "Type" includes: 1) loans to new businesses and 2) loans to existing businesses. WD's Information Management System - CRM Semi-annually, minimum
2.4  Targeted Economic Initiatives
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Business opportunities are created # of businesses created, maintained, or expanded The number of businesses created, maintained, or expanded through targeted economic initiatives. WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Community opportunities are created $ value and type of community-based projects "Value" represents the total costs of the community-based project, including both WD's contribution as well as funding leveraged from other sources. "Type" includes:
  1. Development of knowledge and/or tools to diversify the local economy;
  2. Labour market skills development;
  3. Capacity building of community organizations;
  4. Enhanced services and infrastructure;
  5. Promotion of entrepreneurship/ business development (includes business skills development).
WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum
Expected Result Job opportunities are created # of person months of employment created, maintained, or expanded The number of person months of employment created, maintained or expanded as a result of targeted economic initiatives. Expanded refers to transitioning a seasonal or part-time employee to a year-round or full-time position, or similar increase in hours. One job = 12 person months of employment. (For public reporting, person months of employment will be converted to jobs.) WD's Information Management System - Gateway Semi-annually, minimum

Program Level

3.0 Policy, Advocacy, and Coordination
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Policies that strengthen the western Canadian economy Percentage of key Informants with the opinion that WD activities resulted in policies that support the economic development of Western Canada The survey will provide respondents with a 5-point scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.  Respondents who agree or strongly agree with the statement, will be counted among those "with the opinion that WD activities resulted in policies that support the economic development of Western Canada." Survey Every 2.5 years
Expected Result Programs that strengthen the western Canadian economy Percentage of key Informants with the opinion that WD activities resulted in programs that support the economic development of Western Canada The survey will provide respondents with a 5-point scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. Respondents who agree or strongly agree with the statement, will be counted among those "with the opinion that WD activities resulted in programs that support the economic development of Western Canada." Survey Every 2.5 years

Sub-Program Level

3.1  Advocacy & Coordination
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Access to economic opportunities for Western Canada # of initiatives WD engaged in to enhance access to economic development opportunities for Western Canada "Initiatives" are defined as WD activities intended to influence federal policy, program and/ or project development. These initiatives may be categorized by WD policy priority area (e.g., Trade & Investment, Clean Energy & Oil Sands, SME Innovation or Other). Regional PAC Indicator Tracking Document Semi-annually
Expected Result Coordinated economic development activities, policies, and programs in Western Canada # of initiatives undertaken, programs implemented, and policies developed, which were coordinated by WD "Initiatives" are defined as WD activities intended to provide leadership in coordinating economic development activities, policy development or implementation, or program development or implementation. Regional PAC Indicator Tracking Document Semi-annually
Expected Result Access to procurement opportunities for western Canadian SME's # of initiatives WD engaged in to enhance access to procurement opportunities for western Canadian SMEs and stakeholders "Initiatives" are defined as WD activities intended to represent western Canadian interests or facilitate business development opportunities related to procurement. Regional PAC Indicator Tracking Document Semi-annually
3.2  Economic Analysis
Type Selection Expected Result Performance Indicator Definition of Performance Indicator Data Source Frequency of Data Collection
Expected Result Decisions impacting the western Canadian economy are informed by evidence- based economic analysis # of evidence-based economic analyses conducted/funded by WD "Economic analysis" is defined as a final economic-oriented research product, either internally produced or funded through Grants and Contributions. Regional PAC Indicator Tracking Document Semi-annually


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