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October 1, 2018 - Regina, Saskatchewan - Session 1

Date: October 1, 2018
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan

Total participants

1. Ryder Lee, Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association 3. Sandra Purdy, Saskatoon Berry Council of Canada
2. David Froh, Economic Development Regina    

Key themes or ideas

  1. We need to focus on a small number of transformative change projects
  2. Educational choice – Creating streams for our system to allow better diversity of career choices including entrepreneurship
  3. Climate change – need to be able to discuss
  4. We need to know our assets
  5. Broadband – high speed internet
  6. Better utilization of immigrant and indigenous populations skills

Q1) What does a stronger western Canadian economy look like 10 years from now?

Q2) What are the best ways to spur new growth in western Canada

Q3) What will help the Indigenous economy continue to grow?

Q4) How can we improve economic participation in the west of underrepresented groups, including women, youth, and new immigrants

Q5) How can governments, industry, and western Canadians work together to grow the regional economy?

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