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October 30, 2018 - Vancouver, British Columbia

Date: October 30, 2018
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia

Total participants

1. Lesley Esford, LifeSciences BC 2. Ken Armour, Innovation Commissioner's Office
3. Brent Mainprize, UVic 4. Prem Gill, Creative BC
5. Kim Baird, Kim Baird Consulting 6. Greg D'Avignon, Business Council of BC
7. Denise Williams, First Nations Technology Council    
  WD staff
1. Gerry Salembier 2. Raveena Sidhu
3. Elaina Liang    

Q1) What does a stronger western Canadian economy look like 10 years from now?

Theme #1: Opportunities re: IP and precision health

 Theme #2: Skills, training and talent attraction

Theme #3: Productivity challenges

Q2) What are the best ways to spur new growth in western Canada

Theme #1: Capitalizing on connectivity

Theme #2: Challenges re: scaling up

Q3) What will help the Indigenous economy continue to grow?

Theme #1: Connectivity

Theme #2: Representation on corporate boards

Q4) How can we improve economic participation in the west of underrepresented groups, including women, youth, and new immigrants

Theme #1: Investing in young people

Theme #2: Women on corporate boards

Q5) How can governments, industry, and western Canadians work together to grow the regional economy?

Theme #1: Federal government as convenor

Theme #2: The productivity storyline

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